Science reviews

Periodic, independent review of the NZAGRC’s science programmes helps ensure their goals and direction remain relevant and good progress is being made.


From time to time, independent reviews of the NZAGRC’s various science programmes are organised. The purpose of these reviews is to:

  • Provide feedback to the Governance Group, Executive Director and operational team on strengths and weaknesses in science quality, direction and achievement
  • Provide guidance to the Governance Group, Executive Director and lead scientists on areas of concern, and recommend steps to address those concerns
  • Report to the Governance Group, AgResearch and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) summarising review conclusions and recommending any actions that those bodies should take as a result.

Membership of panels assembled to review NZAGRC’s science programmes varies, depending on the programme under review. Suitable independent technical experts are identified and engaged, including internationally.

Terms of Reference for each review are agreed before the commencement of a review.

The most recent review of the NZAGRC was held in July 2023.